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Green vases mark anniversary

The third iteration of Venice Glass Week, the international festival focusing on the art of glassmaking, will be held in Venice, Murano and Mestre, Italy, from September 7-15, 2019. The Murano-based company of Barovier & Toso will mark this tribute to the lively local scene of art, culture and production by commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of Ercole Barovier.

The company that bears his name has created a limited-edition series of vases. Sixteen pieces in each of the three designs, all in different tones of green, honour the extraordinary, centuries-old tradition and heritage of exquisite glassmaking.

Thomas Stearns, Vaso cilindrico e Cappello del doge in vetro con doppio incalmo, 1961-62, collezione Rob Beyer

Tapio Wirkkala, Tapio

Tapio Wirkkala, Bolle

Silvia Finiels, Architettura del design

Michela Cattai, Linfa series

Maurizio Rossi, Circolo fotografico “Obiettivo Burano”