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Maison et Object Paris to celebrate upcoming French design stars

January 2020’s Rising Talent Awards at Maison et Object Paris will focus on five designers and one duo from French itself. Their work will be prominently displayed at Maison & Objet, which takes place from 17 to 21 January at the exhibition centre at Paris Nord Villepinte.

“This year marks the 25th anniversary of the fair and we thought it was an excellent opportunity to return to our roots and to survey the best of home young talent”, says Philippe Brocart, Managing Director of SAFI, the company that organises Maison & Objet. “Few countries can boast such a rich heritage in the fields of the decorative arts and design as France, and that tradition is now being extended by an exciting new generation, who are pushing the boundaries of their craft”.

The six Rising Talents are all principally based in Paris. Four of them are graduates of the ENSCI Les Ateliers school in the French capital’s 11th arrondissement, while another has taught there. The six featured designers are Adrien Garcia, Julie Richoz, Laureline Galliot, Mathieu Peyroulet Ghilini, Wendy Andreu and design duo Natacha&Sacha.

The Rising Talents panel comprises six of France’s most prestigious design experts. It includes: Pierre Charpin, who was himself nominated as Maison & Objet’s Designer of the Year in 2017; Guillaume Houzé, President of the Fondation Lafayette Anticipations; Didier Krzentowski, co-founder of the esteemed Galerie kreo; René-Jacques Mayer, Director of the illustrious Ecole Camondo design school; Françoise Seince, art historian and Director of Ateliers de Paris; and Pierre Yovanovitch, one of France’s leading interior designers.