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Property Finder explores the meaning of home with UAE residents

Property Finder

As part of its ‘Your Home Finder’ campaign, proptech company Property Finder explores the meaning of ‘home’ with the UAE’s dynamic residents.

The ideal home is designed to bring us peace, joy and comfort – among other qualities that UAE residents have defined as part of Property Finder’s ‘Your Home: Finder’ campaigns, which asks the question: “What is the true meaning of home?” Having collaborated with a number of residents of various backgrounds, the campaign reveals the diversity of homeowners living in the country. Of them is Kat Lebrasse, who owns a social media marketing agency in Dubai called Co Lab. Lebrasse is a working mother, and most of her days are a balance of meetings and attending to the daily activities of her children. She invites identity into her home and reveals more about what home means to her.

Property Finder

Can you describe your home? What are some of the elements that you love?

I like to think of my home as a warm, cosy space. Each room has something special about it, whether it be the paint we choose, a piece of furniture or it’s layout. Our living room is my favourite room in our home. We gave it a lime wash feature wall which immediately transformed the space. Our sofa – the most comfortable white linen sofa ever, from Marina Home – is the hero of the room and everything else complements it.

Can you tell us more about the style of your home?

Our style is quite wabi-sabi. It is some what minimalistic with some bohemian elements to give it the warmth we sought. Texture plays a large part in my selections, even with the walls. In some rooms, I opted for tapestry and macrame art as opposed to traditional canvas or print art, to add that extra element of texture.

Property Finder

What feelings or emotions do you associate with your home?

My home is safe, open and warm space. It is important to me that my kids see it as a safe environment as well as somewhere they can be their utmost selves. This applies to friends, too. We have an open-door policy to our friends and neighbours and expect them to feel comfortable and at home in our home.

What are the most important aspects you would look for when renting/buying a home?

The flow of a house is very important to me when looking at a home. I need to be able to envision my family in the space together. Eating dinner together, snuggling on the sofa together, playing together. If the kitchen or dining is closed off from the rest of the house, for example, that would be a deal-breaker for me as it would restrict our togetherness.

Property Finder

What sparked your interest in collaborating on the “Property Finder. Your Home Finder” campaign?

I really love my home and I’m proud of it. I really resonate with the idea that “it’s not a house, it’s a home,” as I genuinely believe that regardless of the area or other factors of the house, as long as you’re prepared to put your own touches on it, you can make it a home.

What is something that every home should have?

Every home should have good natural light. I am a big believer that exposure to natural light helps our bodies produce Vitamin D, helps us focus and ultimately makes us happier.

Photography by Ahmed Abdelwahab