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(Re)Act to Design

The theme for the ninth designjunction show, an integral part of the London Design Festival, will be (Re)act. Exhibitors, in their roll as agents of change, will be asked to react to issues, to re-imagine opportunities and to re-connect with their audiences.

The goal is to promote the creation of challenging products and exhibitions that will encourage visitors to look at the world and the spaces they inhabit differently and to bring together different disciplines and cultures into one space.

From September 19-22, 2019, a line-up of unique experiences will be revealed at the King’s Cross Design District of London. Among such international names as Icons of Denmark, Very Good & Proper, LSA International and PAD Home will be British names including bespoke furniture maker Brook Studio and ceramicist Emma Alington.

Product launches, interactive features, boutique pop-up shops and informative programs will also be part of this curated show of international furniture, lighting and design objects.