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Read ‘The Style Issue’ – Note from the editor

For a long time when we thought of style, it was common to think solely in fashion terms. However, it can be argued that in recent years style has walked right off the runways and straight into our homes. It has become so much bigger than just one’s wardrobe and is now more a reflection of one’s lifestyle – where one eats, how one spends their day, the places one visits and how one travels. As the home continues to play an increasingly important role in how one expresses oneself, style then also becomes very much about the home.

This issue hopes to reflect just that, revealing new worlds of design and objects that focus on bringing a fresh sense of style to any space, such as with the Egyptian sister duo behind Gohar World, taking the dining and design world by storm. Revealing a surrealist universe of tableware and accessories, Gohar World turns every meal into a painting from the likes of Salvador Dali’s Les Diners de Gala. For the Gohar sisters, every gesture and item that is used is part of a wider ritual and isn’t something to be taken lightly, but instead celebrated as a work of art – and I honestly couldn’t agree more. At a time where quick desk lunches are the norm, a slow, beautiful and purposeful way to dine and share moments with others is a wonderful way to reconnect with one’s surroundings in the midst of beautiful objects and great company.

Additionally, with the weight of the pandemic slowly easing, it is clear how much our increased time spent at home has realigned our values on what we want in our spaces: less clutter and more meaningful objects. Collectible design – be it large expensive pieces or smaller, unique ones – has become more in demand than ever before, with many young collectors reassigning the value of what is or should be considered a ‘collectible’. In this way, the style of many homes, which once cherished more traditional pieces and décor elements, is to opt for a more eclectic arrangement, mixing antique and contemporary, minimal and maximalist pieces.

All of this is an evolution of style and a reflection of we want for our homes and our lives in general. And of course, while everyone’s style is different – be it through their wardrobe or their homes – the most important thing to remember is to always have fun with it.

Read the issue here.