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Shining a spotlight on the ID Awards 2023 shortlist: Rand Al Drei

A conversation with Rand Al Drei, Interior Designer from RSP

How long have you been working in the industry and what sectors (if any) do you specialize in?

I’ve been in the industry for 4 years now, mostly working on Residential, F&B, Retail and commercial projects.

What are some of your key achievements from the past year? (both personal and professional)

I have grown in so many ways with all the projects and opportunities I have come across in the past year. the ID team & I at RSP won Herman Miller’s Office of the Future competition which has led to getting some insights on office designs. Personally, I am handling more tasks and have been proactive with designers & colleagues from the field. In addition, I’m a furniture designer and got the opportunity to get some designs done along some online features.

What are some of the key learnings you received being part of the industry that you did not know before you joined?

Our industry is somehow challenging, but the end result is rewarding. I have learnt that there is coordination with various disciplines needed for the success of projects and teamwork is key which is why I now strongly believe that process is the most important aspect of design in our industry.

Any specific projects (completed) you would have liked to been part of?

I would have loved to take part in the design of 25hours hotel because of the storytelling experience achieved through the designed spaces.

Who do you consider as a mentor in your career space?

I believe all my colleagues are my mentors, each has unique characteristic to learn from to add to my personal and career growth.

What branches of design would you like to explore next?

Exploring the realms of Industrial & Product design.

In two lines, what’s your take on the current design industry?

The Design industry is continuing to evolve and grow and is now moving forward towards human-centric and sustainable solutions in addition to tech-integrated experiences.