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What does work environment have to do with the bottom line?

International market research has found that 80% of people spend nearly 22 hours inside every day, even though most of the respondents said they believed daylight significantly impacted their productivity. Addressing the need to make indoor spaces more conducive to productivity, INDEX Design Talks will present experts in the varied aspects relating to the intersection of commercial interior designs with wellness, productivity and profits.

With a thorough understanding and the right expertise, interior design can make commercial spaces and offices healthy productive and inviting for both customers and employees, as well as drive up profits.

Among the experts sharing their insights at Design Talks will be:

  • Pallavi Dean, Founder and Creative Director of Roar, speaking on How does restaurant design influence dining experiences and impact commercial performance?
  • Paul Bishop, Owner Bishop Design, speaking on Managing and fulfilling evolving client expectations: From interior design to branding, concept, creation and beyond.

INDEX, September 17-19, 2019, Dubai World Trade Center